
I am a Ph.D. candidate at UC Santa Cruz and a theoretical physicist. I will start a postdoc position at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2024 Fall, and this website will be updated as I settle into the new position — stay tuned! I am interested in studying unconventional phase transitions and critical phenomena, with a focus on those driven by quenched disorders or in systems with novel quasiparticle dispersions. I am also broadly interested in the effects introduced by quenched disorders that have no counterpart in clean systems. I am the recipient of the Chancellor’s Dissertation Year Fellowship from UC Santa Cruz in 2023-24. You can find out more about my past research on my research page.

I do analytical calculations, which typically use many field theoretical techniques like Feynman diagrams, functional integrals, and renormalization group analysis. Apart from carrying out rigorous calculations, I am passionate about communicating the insights I obtained from the calculation with co-workers, other researchers, and the general public. I am always motivated to develop a better and more intuitive understanding that can be shared with both experts and non-experts.

My passion for science communication extends to teaching. Throughout many different courses I have taught, I have focused on helping students gain physical intuitions. This naturally leads to a deeper understanding of the physical concepts, which reflects in their ability to solve problems. In 2023, I received an outstanding teaching assistant award from UC Santa Cruz. You can read more about my teaching experience on the teaching page.

Besides research and teaching, I enjoy climbing, snowboarding, and making Kung Fu tea. Here are some pictures.